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emkay: hello neglected kousou fans. i hope you are all well
EDGE: Hello! Its been So long!
Thewindmaker: HI KOUSOU! I MISS YOU! <3
Paloupa: HI, what's up Kousougames?
Raymond: Message before this one was by me.
Hello!: Nice job there mitxela! I like ur Sprites u have here!
mitxela: Press F4 to go to the graphics settings
Matthew: How do i make the zelda just beginning demo full screen
Paloupa: Man, it's awesome this site still exists
mitxela: there we go.
Atrius: Wish I remembered the ShoutBox password so I could delete those... Oh Well.
Iceman: I suppose it was for the greater good... but still...
mitxela: I banned him D:
Iceman: I miss jonn
Atrius: Well then, I'll get to work on something that may help the development process.
Iceman: Me too!
mitxela: I'm game if you are.
Atrius: Mmm... I have been thinking about it a lot recently, it may be time to revive it.
emkay: we'll finish making it one day. honest.
Atrius: Very very little of the actual game got past the design phase.